Introducing Our Student Support And Wellbeing Team

Student Wellbeing Team
Here at Newcomb Secondary College, Engagement and Wellbeing Team strives to provide cohesive, inclusive, and holistic care, which aims to re-engage students in their learning, connect students with the appropriate supports and services, and to equip students with the resources required to manage school and social demands. Our extensive team continues to integrate with the teaching and learning of the College whether that be via classroom support, recommendations and secondary consult to teachers and/or parents, and supported referrals to allied health services. Newcomb Secondary College values the importance of holistic care to assist learning and below I will introduce you to our team…
Chiara Ercoli
Years 7-12

Chiara coordinates the Newcomb Secondary College Wellbeing and Engagement Team and predominantly receives referrals and allocates students to access the most appropriate member of the Wellbeing Team, whether that be a support worker within the team, the Doctor in School or the Lawyer in School.
Daryl Farnham
Years 7-12

Flexible Learning and Guidance Program/Equity and Inclusion
Daryl supports students involved in the Flexible Learning and Guidance Program and mentors and supports students in their engagement with education.
Jane Osborne
Years 8-12
Jane supports students with issues occurring at school as well as challenges outside of school such as accommodation, transport and finances. Jane provides counselling, case management, advocacy, referrals and information. Jane also plays a key role in supporting students who are residing in Out-of-Home-Care and refers to The Geelong Project.

Joe Lewis
Predominantly works with students in Year 7/Transition
Joe supports students in the transition to Year 7.
Joe supports students within the classroom as well as provides one on one support to students outside of the classroom. Joe provides general support and assistance, and liaises with agency staff.

Amanda Davis
Years 7-12 Mental Health Care Practitioner
Amanda has predominantly worked in education during her social work career, as she is passionate about the role that education plays in one’s life trajectory. Through an empathetic approach, Amanda supports students to build upon their strengths to enhance their wellbeing.

Amanda Patterson
Years 7-12 Wed/Thursday
Amanda is a registered nurse who provides health promotion within the school. Amanda runs groups, provides general wellbeing support, and manages the health needs of the school community.
Jenny Irwin
Years 7-12
Jenny is our College Chaplain and works with us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Our Approach
In 2020 we were fortunate to continue to add to our allied health banner with the inclusion and continuation of the Doctor in Secondary Schools Program which sees a youth friendly GP (bulkbilled) placed in our school for 4 hours per week. The GP is able to provide health promotion, information and/or medical support to individual students with support from their families/carers via Headspace.
Newcomb Secondary continued with Vic Legal Aid and Alison Lever to deliver class room seminars and relevant sessions to students. These sessions included information on Cybersafety, the internet and the Law and Employment law. Students and their parents have access to free legal information on Fridays at the College via appointment.
Our Student Engagement and Wellbeing team continue to support and build capacity in the Flexible Learning and Guidance Program (FLaG) for students that provides extra support and a more relaxed learning environment to help support those students needing more modified support with their learning.
Apart from 1:1 and classroom support our team deliver a multitude of programs that are relevant to student needs, support and facilitate the Student Representative Council, lead whole school events such as R U OK? Day and run an additional transition program for students that are needing some extra support leading up to their secondary schooling years.
If you would like to chat with any member of our team or you would like to talk to us about your child’s specific needs next year please do not hesitate to contact us on Ph. 5248 1400.
Ms Ercoli
Student Engagement and Wellbeing