Pathways Program

The Pathways Program at Newcomb Secondary College is an integral part of our whole school ethos, and clearly aligned with our overarching school motto – “Creating Positive Futures”.
Through Year 7-12, Newcomb Secondary College offers a wide range of programs where students receive career, pathway and industry exposure as they discover, explore and plan for the future.
We provide individual guidance and advice to all of our Newcomb Secondary College students through a rigorous course counselling program. Staff meet with students and families to ensure students are supported in their chosen pathway.
Career Programs that students will have the opportunity to undertake include:
- P-TECH – Pathways in Technology
- VETDSS – Vocational Education and Training Delivered in Secondary Schools
- SBAT – School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships
- Head Start Program
- Geelong Tertiary Futures Program (Year 9)
- My Career Insights (Year 9)
- Work Experience
- SWL – Structured Workplace Learning
- VTAC Workshops
At Newcomb Secondary College there are many career pathways. We pride ourselves on providing a wide range of choices and opportunities to ensure every student is supported in their pathway choices. All students at Newcomb Secondary College have access to their own account on our dedicated pathways website –

Check out the NSC careers web site for even more information!
Through this website students complete and develop:
- Resumes
- Cover letters
- Career and personality quizzes and tests
Pathways at Newcomb also engage with stakeholders including:
- Deakin University (DEAP)
- The Gordon
- Skilling The Bay
- The Smith Family
- P-TECH Industry partners (listed on our P-TECH page)
As well as many local and state-wide agencies to deliver additional experiences and programs as opportunities arise throughout the year.
It is our aim in the NSC Pathways Team to encourage, foster, advise and facilitate positive futures for all our students.