From the Principal Team
Welcome Back

We hope that all students and their families enjoyed the school holiday break. Term 1 2021 started with a Whole School Assembly were our school captains Paige, Sarah, Elliot and Hailey joined Mr Honeywell on stage, we also welcomed our new Year 7 students to our school. We discussed how important it is to start the 2021 year well after all the disruptions of 2020. We welcomed back Mrs Jahnecke and Mrs Lunnon-Johnson to our teaching staff. The whole school assembly was followed by a Year Level Assembly and then Home Group meetings.
While the building works continue, access to the College for students will be via the path at the Eastern end of the College. (Near the bus shelter)
Also at our Whole School Assembly we discussed the fact that Coronavirus still exists, so we will continue to see safety signs across the school, practice good hygiene and bring a mask to school. Wear a mask when required and maintain physical distancing from others when practical. This might, for example, be a particular class activity or on a bus – students can still choose to wear a mask at all times.
Mobile Phones
With the commencement of the new school year, we remind the community, and in particular our students that we are mandated to enforce the state wide Mobile Phone policy. As you are aware, this policy is designed to protect students and reinforce a positive learning environment in the classroom. Students have all been provided with a Mobile Phone locker should they bring their phone to school for which the phone must be placed in prior to the start of the school day and remain in their until the end of the day. Should parents or guardians need to contact their young person during the school day, please contact the front office on 5248 1400 and we will pass on the message. Thank you for your support with this.
Sports Days
All members of the school community, staff and students alike, are very excited to be in a position to enjoy excursions and activities once again. It certainly makes for a more enriched school experience. Term 1 is a very busy time of the school year, very much regarding sport, and as such we will conduct not only interschool sport for Years 7-12, but also our two major whole school sport carnivals- the Summer Sports Day and College Athletics.
The dates for the carnivals are- Summer Sports Day (Feb 17) and College Athletics (March 1). Further detail on both the carnivals will be circulated very soon and on the day’s themselves we look forward to maximum participation from all students!
Our Thoughts Are With The Bubb Family
It was with great sadness that we learned of the circumstances of former student, Billy Bubb, who sustained a spinal injury at the end of 2020. We understand that Billy is making encouraging progress, following an extensive stint in Intensive Care, and that his family has been appreciative of the immense supports shown by our local community. Our most sincere thoughts are with Billy and his family, and we will be sharing information on our school social media platforms for anybody who wishes to stay updated with his progress, and who might like to provide Billy with financial support via a dedicated ‘Go Fund Me’ page.
Mr Phil Honeywell, Principal
Mr James Murphy, Assistant Principal
Mr Scott McLeod, Assistant Principal