Issue 17, 2023
6th June, 2023
From the Principal Team
Reflecting on Wellbeing Day
Well, I would not have thought that being dunked in a tub of icy cold water on the first day of winter would be as pleasant as it ended up being! Now, do not get me wrong. I am not about to suggest that ‘Dunk the Principal’ become a daily feature of Newcomb Secondary College, but I must admit that once I got out of the tub, dried off and thawed out, I actually felt refreshed and energised! For those students who hit the target, well done. It was certainly a lot of fun!
If you wonder why we had a dunking tank at the College last Thursday, well, it was all part of the fantastic ‘Wellbeing Day’ activities. Taking a moment to pause and focus our energy and efforts on the wellbeing of ourselves and those around us, is so important. It was extremely pleasing to see students depart the College on Thursday with big smiles on their faces and a spring in their step. Our apologies to our community about the state of their clothing (thanks colour run!). The day commenced with an Assembly that featured an inspiring speech by the State Member for Geelong, and good friend of the College, Ms Christine Couzens. She spoke openly about her life challenges and how she, through determination and self-awareness, forged such a successful career representing the people of our region for more than three terms now in parliament.
As part of the Assembly, we posed a question to students. How can you contribute to the health and wellbeing of yourself and others within our school and within our local community?
In response, and so students can positively contribute, we suggested that to do so students focus on:
Connecting with others can help us feel close to people, and valued for who we are. Being social means different things for different people. You might prefer being in quieter situations with one other person, or you might like being in big groups. You might like to connect with people online, or you might enjoy phone calls or sending letters.
Form Positive Relationships
Being in a loving and healthy relationship, romantic or platonic, can give a person a sense of purpose and fulfillment. In fact, supporting others will in turn make yourself happier and stronger!
Get Active
There are lots of different things you can do to be a bit more active. Studies have shown that getting active can help you sleep better, have happier moods, and reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and racing thoughts.
Take Notice
Reminding yourself to take notice can help you to be aware of how you are feeling. It can help you understand what triggers your feelings of stress or anxiety. Some studies have shown that savouring ‘the moment’ can also help you to feel more positive about life.
We are always learning new things, often without realising it. Feeling like you are learning and developing can boost your self-esteem. Sometimes, setting goals can help you to feel more productive and more in control of your life.
Be Kind, Considerate and Caring, to self and to others
Talk kindly to yourself and others, practice gratitude, perform acts of kindness to others, reflect daily, focus on self-care, be responsible for your wellbeing, practice mindfulness, spend some time in nature, think of the opportunities.
I encourage you to find an opportunity to have a conversation with your student about their health and wellbeing, where they fit in our community and how they can make positive contributions to themselves and others.
Together, we need to ensure we are a community that cares. A community that has a commitment to providing the best possible opportunities for ourselves and for each other, just as Newcomb Secondary College strives to achieve each and every day.
Thanks to all who assisted in the planning and facilitation of the Wellbeing Day. It was certainly a highlight of the term and a day that we hope to further grow in 2024 and beyond.
Have a great week!
Mr McLeod
Mr Scott McLeod, Acting Principal
Mr James Murphy, Assistant Principal
Mr Jeremy Sinclair, Acting Assistant Principal
Staff Professional Practice Day
Next Thursday, 15 June, students will not be required at school as the staff have a Professional Practice Day. VCE students will attend school on this day to undertake the GAT exam.
Classes resume as normal on Friday 16 June.
Mr Sinclair
Wellbeing Day
Wellbeing Day was a great opportunity to connect with the school community, build relationships and learn some strategies for maintaining a healthy body and mind.
The activities available were making fruit salad, water colour art, kickboxing, music meditation, Yoga, sensory/fidget toy crafting, skateboarding and mini games.
After lunch there was a free BBQ, dunk the teacher and student vs teacher games ran by the SLAM students. This was followed by the diversity dash colour run organised by the VCE-VM students.
We are very thankful to have had the day supported by The Smith Family, The Geelong View Club and The Geelong City Council. Thank you to all the Newcomb Secondary College staff who put in so much work to make sure it was a fun and engaging day for all students involved.
Ms McInnes
9/10 Outdoor Ed Werribee Zoo Excursion
On Monday 5th of June, 9/10 Outdoor Ed made their way to Werribee Open Range Zoo to visit and see a vast range of animals both native and abroad.
Students were able to extend their newly learnt knowledge from our recent endangered species unit into application as we made our way around the zoo by foot and via the Safari bus tour.
Students were able to gain an insight into the unique world of lots of native and international animals along with the conservation attempts that are being put into place to help preserve them.
A huge thanks to Mr Goward and Mr Amer for helping out with the day.
Mr Goward
School Events Calendar
Girl in Charge Program | Geelong Sports Hub | 7 JUNE |
Forensic Detective Selected Yr 9 & 10 | Deakin Uni, Waurn Ponds Campus | 7 JUNE |
Skilling the Bay | Davidson Restaurant | 7 JUNE |
DEAP - Year 9 FUTURE ME | Incursion | 13 JUNE |
Girl in Charge Program | Geelong Sports Hub | 14 JUNE |
Year 12 & Year 11 (Units 3 & 4) | GAT Exam | 15 JUNE |
DEAP - Year 9 FUTURE ME | Deakin Uni, Waurn Ponds Campus | 16 JUNE |
Blue Edge Program | Burnside Camp, Anglesea | 19 JUNE |
Year 11 & 12 selected students | The Crucible - Athenaeum Theatre Melbourne | 22 JUNE |