From the Principal Team
By Phil Honeywell
College Council
The November meeting of the Newcomb Secondary College Council took place last Thursday evening in the Food Technology spaces.
Among the items discussed were the planning progress for 2023 including staff changes, the Grand Opening event and the staff professional development day.
Visit to Parliament House - Mr Murphy
On Monday, November 21st, I was very fortunate to have been invited to meet with a number of our federal politicians to discuss educational opportunities and challenges in Victorian schools. These meetings involved several Members of Parliament, including Daniel Mulino, Tracey Roberts and Nola Marino, in addition to meeting with senior ministerial advisors to Jim Chalmers, Jason Clare, Kristy McBain and Brendan O’Connor.
The conversations with these leaders focused on the challenges we have all felt this year in our return to a full onsite program, after two years of highly interrupted teaching and learning. We also discussed a range of possibilities associated with teacher training programs and initiatives, ensuring that individuals transitioning into an educational career pathway have the rights skills, perspectives and understandings needed to thrive in the role.
I spoke with great pride about the range of programs and supports offered to the students of Newcomb Secondary College, and have also invited a number of federal politicians to visit our great school, in the event of them ever passing through this part of the state. Overall, I feel quite grateful for this incredible experience to meet with our nation’s leaders inside the walls of Parliament House, and to discuss the work that I feel so passionately about, and the school that I am so proud to be a part of.

Phil Honeywell, Principal
Scott McLeod, Assistant Principal
James Murphy, Assistant Principal