Issue 23, 2021
3rd August, 2021
From the Principal Team
At Newcomb Secondary College, we see parent involvement as essential for the improvement of the school community. We will continue to provide opportunities for all parents to become involved with the school, and we encourage you to participate.
This August, Newcomb Secondary College is offering parents from the college community an opportunity to have a say on many aspects of the school via the annual Department of Education and Training Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey (previously known as the Parent Opinion Survey).
The annual survey will again be conducted by a sample of randomly selected parents/caregivers/guardians within our college community. It is designed to assist us in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of the Newcomb Secondary College climate, student behaviour, student engagement and experiences of remote and flexible learning. Newcomb Secondary College will use the survey results to help inform and direct future planning and improvement strategies.
Approximately 30% of parents have been invited via email to participate in this year’s survey, which will be open until Friday 13th August 2021. Please note, all responses to the survey are anonymous.
If you have been fortunate enough to be offered the opportunity to participate and have your say, you will have recently received an email from Newcomb Secondary College. The email contains a Parent letter outlining information about the survey, instructions on how to complete the survey and a unique single-entry log on for you to access the survey. If you are a recipient of the email, we thank you in advance for your involvement and valued feedback.
Please be assured, the results of this survey will be used to help guide the school in the development of programs, facilities, student support provisions and Teacher professional development. This will be for the benefit of each and every Newcomb Secondary College student, now and into the future.
Thank you, and as always, don’t hesitate to contact us at the school if you would like to know more about this process, or require assistance.
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
During Term 3, we conduct our Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences allowing for rich discussions to take place regarding student growth and achievement.
The next offering of our Parent/Teacher/Student conferences, for those students in Year 7- 11 will take place in week 7 of this Term. The session dates are:
Term 3 Parent/Teacher/Student Conference Dates
- Year 7-11 Conferences- Thursday Aug 26
We must all do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and as such we need to respect the current measures in place to keep us all safe. Whilst at school, or travelling to and from school, the following must take place-
1. Face Masks
All secondary school students aged 12 or over must wear a face mask at school, unless an exception applies:
- In all indoor spaces
- In all outdoor spaces where 1.5m physical distancing cannot be maintained
- When travelling to and from school
2. Social Distancing & Hygiene Practices
All members of the school community must ensure that they abide by physical distancing requirements and must follow recommended hygiene practices at all times.
3. Camps & Excursions
Excursions- At this time, camps and excursions can go ahead on the basis that only students from single schools attend the venue.
4. Visitors on Site
Only essential visitors to the school. All visitors to the school are to report directly to the Administration office and follow all COVID-19 practices.
Health: Get tested & stay home if unwell
A reminder that if you, your child, or a family member develops symptoms of COVID-19, you should get tested at a COVID-19 testing facility and stay home.
Thanks to staff, students and our broader community for your support in following the measures and keeping us all safe from COVID-19.
Scott McLeod, Acting Principal
James Murphy, Assistant Principal
Jeremy Sinclair, Acting Assistant Principal
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
Applications close on Friday 13th August
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
If you have a valid means-tested concession card, such as a Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible. There is also a special consideration category for asylum seeker and refugee families.
Payment amounts this year are $125 for eligible primary school students and $225 for eligible secondary school students. Payments are made direct to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions and sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
If you applied for CSEF through Newcomb Secondary College last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year, unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.
If you would like to apply for the first time, please contact the school office on 5248 1400 and ask for an application form.
You can also download the form, and find out more about the program and eligibility, on the Department of Education and Training’s Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund web page.
Check with the school office if you are unsure, and please return completed forms to the school office as soon as possible.
72 & 73 |
5-6 AUG |
11-13 AUG |
$100 |
23-27 AUG |
$300 |
YEAR 9 |
17 & 31 AUG |
Music Team Report
Wednesday August 11th to Friday August 13th, 2021
Angahook Holiday Camp, Aireys Inlet
Year 7 and 8 Instrumental Music Students
This Camp will greatly enhance the performance skills of our junior music students on their musical instruments, through
- Individual tuition
- Small ensemble rehearsals
- Year 7 students working together as a band
- Year 8 students working together as band, and
- Year 7 & 8 students combining as one big band.
The Year 7 students will be given the opportunity to play more difficult music along side the Year 8 students.
Year 8 students will commence to learn the simpler music in the Senior Concert Band repertoire.
When the students are not rehearsing they will be involved in leisure activities such as bike riding, bush walking, archery, basketball, obstacle course and the big rope swing that is a supervised activity only operated by the staff from Angahook.