From the Principal Team
Welcome Back

We hope that all students and their families enjoyed the school holiday break. Term 1 2021 started with a Whole School Assembly were our school captains Paige, Sarah, Elliot and Hailey joined Mr Honeywell on stage, we also welcomed our new Year 7 students to our school. We discussed how important it is to start the 2021 year well after all the disruptions of 2020. We welcomed back Mrs Jahnecke and Mrs Lunnon-Johnson to our teaching staff. The whole school assembly was followed by a Year Level Assembly and then Home Group meetings.
While the building works continue, access to the College for students will be via the path at the Eastern end of the College. (Near the bus shelter)
Also at our Whole School Assembly we discussed the fact that Coronavirus still exists, so we will continue to see safety signs across the school, practice good hygiene and bring a mask to school. Wear a mask when required and maintain physical distancing from others when practical. This might, for example, be a particular class activity or on a bus – students can still choose to wear a mask at all times.
Mobile Phones
With the commencement of the new school year, we remind the community, and in particular our students that we are mandated to enforce the state wide Mobile Phone policy. As you are aware, this policy is designed to protect students and reinforce a positive learning environment in the classroom. Students have all been provided with a Mobile Phone locker should they bring their phone to school for which the phone must be placed in prior to the start of the school day and remain in their until the end of the day. Should parents or guardians need to contact their young person during the school day, please contact the front office on 5248 1400 and we will pass on the message. Thank you for your support with this.
Sports Days
All members of the school community, staff and students alike, are very excited to be in a position to enjoy excursions and activities once again. It certainly makes for a more enriched school experience. Term 1 is a very busy time of the school year, very much regarding sport, and as such we will conduct not only interschool sport for Years 7-12, but also our two major whole school sport carnivals- the Summer Sports Day and College Athletics.
The dates for the carnivals are- Summer Sports Day (Feb 17) and College Athletics (March 1). Further detail on both the carnivals will be circulated very soon and on the day’s themselves we look forward to maximum participation from all students!
Our Thoughts Are With The Bubb Family
It was with great sadness that we learned of the circumstances of former student, Billy Bubb, who sustained a spinal injury at the end of 2020. We understand that Billy is making encouraging progress, following an extensive stint in Intensive Care, and that his family has been appreciative of the immense supports shown by our local community. Our most sincere thoughts are with Billy and his family, and we will be sharing information on our school social media platforms for anybody who wishes to stay updated with his progress, and who might like to provide Billy with financial support via a dedicated ‘Go Fund Me’ page.
Mr Phil Honeywell, Principal
Mr James Murphy, Assistant Principal
Mr Scott McLeod, Assistant Principal
Introducing Our Student Support And Wellbeing Team

Student Wellbeing Team
Here at Newcomb Secondary College, Engagement and Wellbeing Team strives to provide cohesive, inclusive, and holistic care, which aims to re-engage students in their learning, connect students with the appropriate supports and services, and to equip students with the resources required to manage school and social demands. Our extensive team continues to integrate with the teaching and learning of the College whether that be via classroom support, recommendations and secondary consult to teachers and/or parents, and supported referrals to allied health services. Newcomb Secondary College values the importance of holistic care to assist learning and below I will introduce you to our team…
Chiara Ercoli
Years 7-12

Chiara coordinates the Newcomb Secondary College Wellbeing and Engagement Team and predominantly receives referrals and allocates students to access the most appropriate member of the Wellbeing Team, whether that be a support worker within the team, the Doctor in School or the Lawyer in School.
Daryl Farnham
Years 7-12

Flexible Learning and Guidance Program/Equity and Inclusion
Daryl supports students involved in the Flexible Learning and Guidance Program and mentors and supports students in their engagement with education.
Jane Osborne
Years 8-12
Jane supports students with issues occurring at school as well as challenges outside of school such as accommodation, transport and finances. Jane provides counselling, case management, advocacy, referrals and information. Jane also plays a key role in supporting students who are residing in Out-of-Home-Care and refers to The Geelong Project.

Joe Lewis
Predominantly works with students in Year 7/Transition
Joe supports students in the transition to Year 7.
Joe supports students within the classroom as well as provides one on one support to students outside of the classroom. Joe provides general support and assistance, and liaises with agency staff.

Amanda Davis
Years 7-12 Mental Health Care Practitioner
Amanda has predominantly worked in education during her social work career, as she is passionate about the role that education plays in one’s life trajectory. Through an empathetic approach, Amanda supports students to build upon their strengths to enhance their wellbeing.

Amanda Patterson
Years 7-12 Wed/Thursday
Amanda is a registered nurse who provides health promotion within the school. Amanda runs groups, provides general wellbeing support, and manages the health needs of the school community.
Jenny Irwin
Years 7-12
Jenny is our College Chaplain and works with us on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Our Approach
In 2020 we were fortunate to continue to add to our allied health banner with the inclusion and continuation of the Doctor in Secondary Schools Program which sees a youth friendly GP (bulkbilled) placed in our school for 4 hours per week. The GP is able to provide health promotion, information and/or medical support to individual students with support from their families/carers via Headspace.
Newcomb Secondary continued with Vic Legal Aid and Alison Lever to deliver class room seminars and relevant sessions to students. These sessions included information on Cybersafety, the internet and the Law and Employment law. Students and their parents have access to free legal information on Fridays at the College via appointment.
Our Student Engagement and Wellbeing team continue to support and build capacity in the Flexible Learning and Guidance Program (FLaG) for students that provides extra support and a more relaxed learning environment to help support those students needing more modified support with their learning.
Apart from 1:1 and classroom support our team deliver a multitude of programs that are relevant to student needs, support and facilitate the Student Representative Council, lead whole school events such as R U OK? Day and run an additional transition program for students that are needing some extra support leading up to their secondary schooling years.
If you would like to chat with any member of our team or you would like to talk to us about your child’s specific needs next year please do not hesitate to contact us on Ph. 5248 1400.
Ms Ercoli
Student Engagement and Wellbeing
Bus Conveyance
Conveyance Allowance Program
Applications for Term 1 close 12th March 2021
The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance to help families in rural and regional Victoria with the cost of transporting their children to their nearest appropriate school/campus.
To be eligible to claim the Conveyance Allowance, students must:
• attend their nearest government or non-government school/campus appropriate to their year level at which admission is permissible
• be enrolled at a school/campus outside Melbourne’s metropolitan conveyance boundary
• reside 4.8km or more by the shortest practicable route from that school/campus attended
• be of school age (5 to 18 years old at time of application) and reside in Victoria.
Application Process
Step 1 Complete PTV School Student ID and Student Pass Application Form (including student photographs)
Step 2 Bring completed PTV form to the General Office so that it can be stamped and signed
Step 3 Take PTV form to nearest manned train station to have a card made. Whilst at the station, purchase either a half-yearly or yearly Myki pass and obtain a receipt
Step 4 Complete Form 3: Conveyance Allowance application for Public transport travel and return to the General Office with your Myki receipt
Step 5 Reimbursement will be made to families in June and December
Any queries regarding this can be made through Alisha Greenwood at the office on 5248 1400.
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund Applications
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
If you have a valid means-tested concession card, such as a Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible. There is also a special consideration category for asylum seeker and refugee families.
Payment amounts this year are $125 for eligible primary school students and $225 for eligible secondary school students. Payments are made direct to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions and sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
If you applied for CSEF through our school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year, unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.
If you would like to apply for the first time, please contact the school office on 5248 1400 and ask for an application form.
You can also download the form, and find out more about the program and eligibility, on the Department of Education and Training’s Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund web page.
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund application form 2021 (Word)
Check with the school office if you are unsure, and please return completed forms to the school office as soon as possible.
College Photos
College Photos 2021
Annual school photos will be taken at Newcomb Secondary College by Arthur Reed Photos on Friday 12th Feb, 2021.
There is no need to return any forms or money to school.
Unique image codes will be issued to all students on/after photo day. Use this code to register online to view your child’s images. Registration is simple, just follow the 3 simple steps on your child’s personalised flyer once you receive it and add the codes of all of your children attending this school.
Even if you registered last year, it’s important that you do again this year using your child’s 2021 image code to link their images for the current year with your contact details.
When images are ready to view and in the webshop, all parents who have registered will be notified by SMS and email.
To ensure you are ordering school photos for the current year, please wait for notifications that 2021 images are online before placing orders.
To view PDF please click on the link below:
Message From Victoria's Chief Health Officer
Victorian Chief Health Officer Message
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome back the Victorian school community in 2021.
Following an incredible effort by students, staff, teachers, parents and carers last year, Victorian schools are well placed to safely commence the new school year. Schools will return to a largely normal program of activities, including welcoming parents and other vital members of the school community back into their grounds.
Throughout the pandemic, Victorian schools have rapidly adapted and successfully implemented measures to reduce the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission in school environments. By embedding COVIDSafe principles in all its operations and reinforcing good behaviours throughout 2020, schools have created safe spaces, and are in a strong position to quickly respond to any coronavirus (COVID-19) risks that may emerge.
Given the current very low risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission in the community, continued high rates of testing, wastewater monitoring, and continued observance of health and safety measures in schools; those with medical vulnerabilities or their carers can feel reassured that they can safely return to working and learning on site.
While we have seen outbreaks emerge over the summer break, we have also witnessed our capacity to respond quickly to limit the impact of these outbreaks. Should community cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) increase again, I am confident that with COVIDSafe plans in place, alongside our ability to quickly identify and respond to cases – schools remain safe places for all staff and students. I also continue to be reassured by evidence that children are less impacted by the virus and are less likely to develop severe illness.
It is crucial, however, for everyone to remain vigilant – to stay home when unwell, get tested, perform regular hand hygiene, wear a mask when required and maintain physical distancing from others when practical. Schools should consider how they can continue to pursue strategies that contribute to reduced transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Schools and parents continue to have an important role to promote and ensure testing when a child or staff member has any symptoms, no matter how mild, and then stay home. Getting tested and staying home until results are known, remains critical to limiting community transmission.
Adj Clin Prof Brett Sutton
Victorian Chief Health Officer
Privacy Collection Statement
Privacy Collection Statement – Secondary Schools
Information for parents and carers
During the ordinary course of your child’s attendance at our school, school staff will collect your child’s personal and health information when necessary to educate your child, or to support your child’s social and emotional wellbeing or health. Such information will also be collected when required to fulfil a legal obligation, including duty of care, anti-discrimination law and occupational health and safety law. If that information is not collected, the school may be unable to provide optimal education or support to your child or fulfil those legal obligations.
For example, health information may be collected through the school nurse, primary welfare officer or wellbeing staff member. If your child is referred to a specific health service at school, such as a Student Support Service officer, or school-engaged psychologist, the required consent will be obtained.
Our school may use online tools, such as apps and other software, to effectively collect and manage information about your child for teaching and learning purposes, parent communication and engagement; student administration; and school management purposes. When our school uses these online tools, we takes steps to ensure that your child’s information is secure. If you have any concerns about the use of these online tools, please contact us.
School staff will only share your child’s personal or health information with other staff who need to know to enable the school to educate or support your child, or fulfil a legal obligation.
When our students transfer to another Victorian government school, personal and health information about that student will be transferred to that next school. Transferring this information is in the best interests of our students and assists that next school to provide optimal education and support to students.
In some limited circumstances, information may be disclosed outside of the school (and outside of the Department of Education and Training). The school will seek your consent for such disclosures unless the disclosure allowed or mandated by law.
Our school values the privacy of every person. When collecting and managing personal and health information, all school staff must comply with Victorian privacy law. For more information about privacy including about how to access personal and health information held by the school about you or your child, see our school’s privacy policy:
Throughout this notice, ‘staff’ includes principals, teachers, Student Support Service officers, youth workers, social workers, nurses and any other allied health practitioners and all other staff at our school. This includes employees, agents and service providers (contractors) of the Department, whether paid or unpaid.
Music Team Report
Senior Concert Band
Welcome back to school 2021 from the Music Staff.
We are looking forward to a really great year ahead in the music/banding program. All band rehearsals will commence in Week 2.
We would like to welcome all instrumental music students in Year 9 to the Senior Concert Band.
During 2021 the Senior Concert Band will continue to rehearse every Thursday during class time on a rotating timetable commencing on Thursday – February 4th - Period 3.
Tuesday morning rehearsals held before school for half an hour commencing at 8.25am will not commence until we move back into the new music department, in preparation for the Senior Band Tour.
The Senior Band Tour is scheduled for Term 3 to Phillip Island and surrounding areas from Monday August 23rd to Friday 27th.
Cold Fusion
This year Cold Fusion will rehearse every Tuesday at lunchtime.
Blues’n Jazz
Due to circumstances in 2020 beyond our control we will commence rehearsals of Blues’n Jazz later in term 1 to give the new members of this band the opportunity to commence learning the music.
Year 8 Intermediate Concert Band
During term 1 – all students in 84 will have band rehearsal every Thursday morning Period 1, when they have music in their timetable with Mrs Bourke.
Year 8 instrumental music students in 81, 82 and 83 will also have band rehearsal for one period a week on a rotating timetable.
At the commencement of term 2 all Year 8 instrumental music students will join as one
Year 8 Intermediate Concert Band that will rehearse for one period a week on a rotating timetable.
The Junior Music Camp for Year 7 and 8 instrumental music students will be held at Airey’s Inlet for three days from Wednesday August 11th to Friday August 13th.
Year 7 Instrumental Music Program
The music staff would like to welcome our new Year 7 students to Newcomb Secondary College. All Year 7 students are given the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. They will have a trial period on a brass, woodwind or percussion instrument during term one to help them decide what instrument they would like to learn. All students in 74 (ECO) will undertake instrumental music as a compulsory part of their music studies. More information will be given to students in the first couple of weeks of school.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding the music program, please contact me via email.
Mrs Stabryla
SIR Support Inclusion Respect Team
SIR Team
Welcome back to the first full week of school. A special welcome to new students of Newcomb Secondary College, we hope you have found your feet. If you need any further support we have put together a brief help sheet.
What do I do if…I don’t know my locker numbers/I’ve lost my combination/I’ve lost my key?
See your Year Level’s Student Support.
Year 7 – Mr Bamford
Year 8 – Mr Unmack
Year 9 – Ms Teakle
All 7-9s – Ms Hunt
Year 10 – Mr Colbert
Year 11 – Ms Angelevski
Year 12 – Mr Sinclair
All 10-12s – Mr Sinclair
I don’t know my computer or compass login?
Visit the ICT office in the library (ring the doorbell on the table) between 9am and 4pm.
Year 9-12 : My timetable is wrong or I want to change a class?
Visit the pathways office during recess or lunch – Not during class time.
You will need to complete a sheet that asks for your name, subject you would like to transfer from/into, and provide a valid reason. Mrs Boyanton and Mr Horsted will inform you of the outcome when they have resolved the request.
Whilst this process is taking place you are to continue to follow your timetable as it appears on compass (unless they have written permission from The Pathways Team).
I don’t own an item of uniform or stationary and will have trouble acquiring it?
Visit the cubbies during recess or lunch.
Speak with the Wellbeing Team member who supports your year level. They will assist you with acquiring the item.
I need to catch the early bus on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday.
Visit Mr McLeod in the Principal Corridor, he will contact your parents to discuss this and then modify your compass entry to allow you to leave early. You must remain until 3:15 until this process is completed. This does not carry over from 2020, you will need to reapply.
Myself or my friend is unusually sad or worried.
Visit the Cubbies at recess or lunch and speak to one of the wellbeing team. Alternatively, speak to your year level Student Support co-ordinator.
Myself or my friend is experiencing friendship issues/bullying.
Speak to your year level Student Support co-ordinator and they will help you and your peers navigate the issue.
Mr Farnham
Support Inclusion Respect
Community Page
Vinnies No Interest Loans

Parenting Calendar

Please click on the link below for further information:
Ross River Virus Warning
Health Warning On Mosquitoes And Ross River Virus

Residents and visitors to the Surf Coast, Geelong and Bellarine Peninsula areas of Victoria are being warned to protect themselves against mosquito-borne diseases such as Ross River virus and Barmah Forest virus.
Ross River virus has been detected in mosquitos in Anglesea. Taking measures to avoid mosquito bites is a critical step to protect against diseases.
Schools have obligations under the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations (2019) to take reasonable steps to control mosquito breeding grounds. Removing stagnant water at least once a week can prevent mosquitos from breeding around the school property. This includes in flowerpots, tyres, buckets and tins.
Find out more
For more information, read the full advisory at Health warning on mosquitoes and Ross River virus in south-west Victoria.
For further enquires, contact the Health Promotion, Prevention and Advice unit via email:
Residents and visitors to the Surf Coast, Geelong and Bellarine Peninsula areas of Victoria are being warned to protect themselves against mosquito-borne diseases such as Ross River virus and Barmah Forest virus.
Ross River virus has been detected in mosquitoes in Anglesea.
These viruses can cause symptoms including joint pain and stiffness, headache, fever, rash and fatigue.
The best protection from these diseases is to avoid mosquito bites. Protective measures include:
* regularly using mosquito repellent containing picaridin or N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) on all exposed skin (for children it’s safer to spray or rub insect repellents on their clothes rather than directly onto their skin)
* wearing long, loose-fitting clothes when outside
* ensuring accommodation, including tents, are properly fitted with mosquito nettings or screens
* limiting outdoor activity at dusk and dawn when mosquitos are most active
* removing stagnant water from around your property at least every week. This includes in flowerpots, pet bowls, bird baths and buckets.
A range of information about protecting against mosquito bites is available on the Better Health Channel’s Beat the Bite web page.
College Swimming Carnival 2021
College Swimming Sports - Wednesday 17th February
Last year it was Harrison (red house) that took the points with some great swimming in both relays and individual events. They also were well represented in the lilo, raft and peg races.
This year we have heard that the once mighty Drysdale team may be on the rebound and have been preparing well. The rumour is that some students have borrowed rafts on the weekend to train and ensure those extra points on the day.
Unfortunately it looks like the canteen at Kardinia Aquatic Centre won’t be open, so we ask all students to bring their lunch on the day.
Remember the expectation is that all students attend.
Mr Currie
Summer Break For Mascot
Marshmallow's Christmas Break

Marshmallow had a much needed break from sickbay duties and spent some time in sunny Swan Hill.