From the Principal Team
Farewell for 2021
As we descend towards the runway, after a turbulent journey across 2021, it is an opportunity to pause and reflect on how remarkable, resilient and responsible so many of our students have been this year. Furthermore, it is an ideal time for us to reflect on how proud we are of our learners for all of their efforts and achievements.
These sentiments of appreciation, admiration and pride were highly evident at our Junior School and Senior School Awards Assemblies today. Thank you once again to all of our parents, carers and guests for their support of these events, in addition to all of our school partners and benefactors for their continued generosity and assistance.
Nobody can say with complete conviction how 2022 might look for us all. However, regardless of what the new year throws at us, we are confident that our students will continue to be innovative, industrious and committed to their learning. In the meantime, and most importantly, we would like to wish all of our families a safe, enjoyable, festive and restful end, to an extraordinarily difficult year.
Term One will commence for students in all year levels on Monday, the 31st of January, and there will be information shared via Compass in the week prior to this, providing all parents and carers with relevant updates for the commencement of the new school year. Thank you for your patience, partnership and positivity across the past four terms, and we will see you again in 2022!
There were points in 2021 when it looked like a graduation of any sort may not be a possibility. Luckily for the Class of 2021, by the 8th of December, this was no longer the case and they were able to gather with teachers and family to celebrate the end of their Secondary Schooling.
The night was also the inaugural use of our brand new auditorium with community members. The combination of a fantastic space, stunningly dressed Year 12s and many smiling faces created a celebratory atmosphere, as one would expect.
The Class of 2021 enjoyed the speeches of their comrade Elliot Nicholas, Acting Principal Mr McLeod and Senior School Leader Mr Sinclair. Then they were awarded their certificates by Mr McLeod and NSC’s School Council president Mr Graham. All taking place under photo transformations of their Year 12 to Year 7 selves.
The evening concluded with some music, nibbles and mingling to reminisce on the years that have been at NSC and say some heartfelt goodbyes and thank yous.
Staff departing NSC :
Jessica Armstrong
Antoni Cantone (12 months leave)
Sarah Everard
Daryl Farnham (12 months leave)
Rebecca Gillett
Alisha Greenwood (12 months leave)
We welcome new arrivals for 2022:
- Michael Monahan - Systems Technology
- Kea Packer - Learning Mentor
- Torrie Pugliese - Student Wellbeing
Scott McLeod, Acting Principal
James Murphy, Assistant Principal
A year in perspective
The year from the perspective of a year 7 student…
2021 has been challenging but we all managed to push through it as a team. Even though we had a lot of lockdowns we also had experiences and fun and exciting excursions.
Some of these excursions included going to Adventure Park, the Anglesea camp, Beach Day and the Geelong Tech School. These activities provided students with the opportunities to get out of their comfort zones and interact with each other and form positive connections with their teachers.
We also got to participate in heaps of hands on subjects like metalwork, food tech, woodwork, fabric and many exciting science experiments.
Overall it was a positive first year of high school.
Zara and Omra