From the Principal Team
By Mr McLeod
Newsletter- Term 4 Week 7 2023
Remembrance Day
On Friday last week we paused to recognise Remembrance Day with a special assembly conducted by our 2024 school captains. The commemorative service is a significant part of the calendar and one that is of special significance to us all. To stop and honour the lives of the service men and women who sacrificed themselves to serve the country. Their service, and sacrifice has enabled us to live our lives as we do in the country that we all appreciate so much.
School Captains 2024
Speaking of our school captains, you should have received our announcement last week of the Newcomb Secondary College School Captains for 2024. We are so fortunate to have such great student leadership candidates nominate for the captaincy role in 2024, and it is with great excitement that Phoebe Cobb has been appointed as School Captain along with Wren Collins and Ella Hope as the two Vice Captains. The three captains will not only act as a voice for the entire school community, but we expect, and hope will inspire the next generation of student leaders. Each captain brings a set of strengths to the team, and I look forward to working closely with them all to see what we can achieve together.
Year 12 Exams
Year 12 exams are over! This is a significant milestone for so many students not only at Newcomb Secondary College but across this region and our state. Congratulations to our students for the way they prepared for the exams and the effort they put into doing their best for each exam they sat- I know you will get great results!
End of Year fast approaching!
This week we enter week seven of Term 4. Someone mentioned to me last week that there is less than thirty school days of the 2023 academic year. The comment threw me for a couple of reasons: 1. that time is flying by and, 2. there is still so much to do! I hope students are excited by the year nearing its end, but also remain focussed on the tasks they too, like me, must complete. With that in mind, I wonder if you had the opportunity to have a discussion with your student about their recent Positive Learning Quality reports that were made available at the end of Feedback week (week 5)?
Year 9 Camp- Melbourne City
Last week our Year 9 students enjoyed a fantastic camp experience in Melbourne. The fast-paced camp experience was a highlight for many of the students, some who have not spent much time in the capital of Victoria. I have enjoyed talking to students and hearing their stories of the experience and thank the wonderful staff who made this opportunity possible for them all.
College Numeracy Program
As Principal of the school, I make a concerted effort to visit classes and take part in learning programs. It is the highlight of my day. Late last week I visited the Numeracy session that we conduct with our Year 7 and Year 8 students. I’m sure all of you may be able to reflect upon what a mathematics class looked like when you were at school. Well, the Numeracy program is part of developing problem-solving skills in students and enabling them with opportunities to collaborate on a challenge- all aspects of mathematics in the real world. The program is having much success and is appreciated by the students- as you can see in the images below. Congratulations to Mrs Dyer and all of the support staff that assist with the program.
Another shining element of the college is the extra-curricular opportunities. In particular those challenges that foster healthy student competition and house spirit. This week, students have been challenged to ride an exercise bike as far as they can (yes, I know they don’t move!). The Ride-a-Thon is a challenge for students, in house teams, to ride as far around Australia as possible in a week. During the school day students rotate on their nominated house bike and ride a distance that is measured on the bike itself. That distance is collated and determines the overall distance travelled on a day and over the week, with prizes, and bragging rights, offered to the winning house. As I write this Newsletter article, the following distances have been achieved-
NSC - Ride-A-Thon (results at the end of DAY 2)
The leader board has made some changes with Wills moving into first place.
1st Wills - 153.9km
2nd Drysdale - 148.2km
3rd Harrison - 133.6km
4th Curlewis - 104.1km
GRAND TOTAL - 539.84 (check out the attached map)

Have a great week!
Mr McLeod