From the Principal Team
By Mr McLeod
Newsletter- Week 5 2024
Feedback Week
Can you believe that we have hit the mid-way mark of Term 1? Where did that time go? Yes, this week is week five and it signifies our college Feedback week. Over the course of this week, teachers will be entering feedback on your students’ outcomes and growth against our college values of Learning, Respect and Working Together. The Feedback collated will then be shared with you all on Compass in the form of our Positive Learning Qualities (PLQ). The PLQ feedback will be presented in an easy-to-read graphical representation and will be repeated on four occasions across Semester 1 allowing you to observe and identify any trends in your students’ outcomes. In addition to the PLQ feedback, remember to keep up-to-date and informed of your students’ achievements via their Learning Task results on Compass. Newcomb Secondary College staff also share observations and achievements against our Positive Futures Framework via our Positive Acknowledgements on Compass- these can occur at any time when observed so it is important that you continue to stay connected to Compass. We encourage you to have frequent discussions about with your student about their progress at school and encourage you to reach out to our awesome staff (wellbeing, learning mentors, teachers) should we be able to further inform and support you and your student.
College Athletics
This week students and staff will call Landy Field home for a day to experience and participate in the college Athletics Carnival. Whole school carnivals are an important part of any school as it offers not only an extra-curricular experience but equally a chance for friendly competition, challenge activities, teamwork, encouragement, and house spirit. Following the success and colour of the Summer Sports Day, we can’t wait for Thursday to come around- good luck to all involved!
School Council Elections 2024
The process for the election of the new College Council has now commenced. Nominations for the four parent, one student, one staff employee and four community representative positions are now open and called for.
Please note the following nomination and election timelines-
- Nominations will close on Friday 1st March 2024 at 4.00pm.
- The list of candidates, nominators and seconders will be displayed at the Newcomb Secondary College General Office by Monday 4th March 2024.
- If an election is necessary, I will distribute the appropriate documentation to parents and the ballots will close on Thursday 14th March 2024 at 4.00pm.
The parents whose time on Council are eligible for nomination, or their time on Council has expired are:
- Maryanne Cleasby (eligible for nomination)
- Kerry O’Hara (eligible for nomination)
- Geraldine Dafter (eligible for nomination)
- One position vacant
The student whose time on Council has expired is:
- Eliza Glembin
Of course, nominations can be received from any parents and students, and we would encourage parents and students to consider being part of the College Council.
The Department of Education and Training members whose time on Council are eligible for nomination, or their time has expired are:
- Jenny Peters (eligible for nomination)
The Newcomb Secondary College Council can also co-opt four people into the Community Members category of Council with the College Student Leaders or additional Parents traditionally filling some of these positions.
Nomination forms can be obtained from the General Office or ring the office and a form can be sent home.
Please note that the previous meeting of the College Council in February was the last of the present Council and the Thursday 21st March meeting will be the first of the new 2024 College Council.
We would like to thank our council members for their contributions to Newcomb SC.
Mobile Phone Ban in Schools
A reminder that the Department of Education has in place a mobile phone ban that requires students who bring mobiles phones to school to have them switched off and securely put away during school hours.
The department is requiring all schools to ensure this ban is in place and enforced from the start of the 2024 school year. The ban applies equally to all government schools right across the state. This helps ensure that school is a learning environment free from unnecessary distractions and disruptions. By ensuring mobile phones are kept away at recess and lunch times, students can interact with each other face-to-face, without the distractions and social pressures that mobile phones can cause. I ask for the support of all our families, staff and students in continuing to support the implementation of this policy in our school.
Further information:
Exceptions: For a small number of students with particular health needs, an exception to the policy may be granted. Please contact the Administration Office if you would like to discuss this.
Emergencies: In the event of an emergency or if you need to immediately contact your child, I ask that families contact the school office who will pass on a message as required.
School mobile phone policy: A copy of our school’s local mobile phone policy, which implements the government’s mobile policy in line with our local context, is available on our college website.
Parent support: The Mobile phones in schools webpage provides links to resources for families to help them balance their children’s time using mobile phones.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Why is the mobile phone policy important and what is the evidence-base for it?
The mobile phone policy was introduced in 2020 to reduce distractions in the classroom, reduce cyberbullying in schools and improve face-to-face interactions in the school yard.
A summary of research articles that provide information about the reason for the policy is available here.
A recent Review of the policy has found that it has reduced the use of mobile phones during school hours, with a range of benefits noted by principals and teachers, including:
- greater student focus on their learning
- increased student socialisation or physical activity during breaks
- fewer incidents of cyberbullying during school hours
- fewer critical incidents involving mobile phones during school hours.
Who does the mobile phone policy apply to?
The policy applies to all Victorian government school students.
Can my child/ren still bring a mobile phone to school?
Students can bring a mobile phone to school, but it must be turned off and stored securely during the school day. Parents can still contact their children through the school’s administration office in emergencies.
Who is responsible for my child’s mobile phone when at school?
Mobile phones brought to school are not covered by the school’s insurance if they are lost, stolen or damaged.
For more information, please see the Department’s Claims for Property Damage and Medical Expenses policy.
Are there exceptions for use?
The mobile phone policy allows for a small number of exceptions. For example, where the mobile phone is used to manage a health condition, or to support a classroom learning activity. Teachers can grant a classroom-based learning exception. All other exceptions are handled by the school principal.
More information about exceptions can be found on the information for parent’s page here: Mobile phones in schools | (
How do I contact my child in an emergency?
In emergencies, parents can still contact their children through their school’s administration office.
What will be the consequences for my child/ren if they are caught with a mobile phone during school hours?
Schools will enforce the policy under their existing student engagement policies, for example, through detention or a loss of school-based privileges.
Does the policy include other mobile devices, e.g. smart watches?
Wearable devices, iPads and other personal devices are excluded from the Department’s mobile phone policy. However, the Department’s policy also allows schools to choose to include other mobile devices as part of their local policies. If mobile devices are brought to school, students must switch off all notifications during the school day.
What is my role as a parent or carer?
Parents and carers are encouraged to support their children to become safe and responsible technology users.
What advice is available to families when it comes to managing screen time and in supporting safe online behaviours?
The eSafety Commissioner provides several resources for families:
- 7 Tips for Managing Screen Time – Provides tips and advice on what families can do to help their child(ren) balance their time on and offline.
- Online Safety: A guide for parents and carers – Guide offering practical skills and advice about how to tackle the big issues associated with online activity.
- Screen Smart Parent Tour – Explores topics such as social media, screen time, protecting personal information, cyberbullying, contact with strangers and accessing inappropriate content.
There is also a number of resources for parents and students on the Victorian Bully Stoppers webpage.
What if I have additional questions about the policy?
The Department’s mobile phone policy can be accessed here. Please refer to your school’s local mobile phone policy for more specific information on the implementation of this policy in your school community.
Have a great week!
Scott McLeod
Newcomb Secondary College
81-85 Bellarine Highway | Newcomb 3219
T: (03) 5248 1400 | F: (03) 5248352
Creating Positive Futures
Mobile Phone Policy
School Events Calendar
All staff and students | Newcomb Secondary College Athletics Carnival. | 29 February 2024 |
All staff and students | Labour Day Public Holiday. | 11 March 2024 |
Community | Newcomb Secondary College Information Evening. | 25 March 2024 |
All students | End of Term 1 2024. | 28 March 2024 |
2024 Classes Schedule
Attendance Matters!
By Ms Demopoulos
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to another exciting year at Newcomb Secondary College, and to our new community members, welcome!
I hope the holiday break was a positive time for you all.
We love our families to be involved in our school community and a significant part of this involves maintaining regular communication by way of phone or email, particularly regarding attendance.
Attendance remains a major focus for us at Newcomb Secondary College. For us to ensure the best outcomes are accomplished for our students’ growth in all areas and to reach our set end of year target, we will continue to maintain high expectations for daily attendance for all students.
Both staff and parents have an important role to play in supporting our students to attend school every day, on time and ready to learn. If your student must be absent, please contact the school as soon as possible to prevent unexplained absences that may hinder your student’s progress. If a reason is not provided for your student’s absence, the school is required to contact you on the same day. This is to ensure the safety of your student and maintain open communication to ensure you and your student are supported and successful in our school community.
At Newcomb Secondary College we strive for high attendance to maximise student learning, and behavioural, cognitive and emotional engagement for all students, and we endeavour to work with and support all families in our community.
If you have any questions regarding attendance or require any support or assistance, please contact the school on 5248 1400.
Warm regards,
Ms Demopoulos
(Attendance Officer)

Bus Travel Allowance 2024
By Ms Ainsley Alison
N.S.C. Swimming Carnival 2024 (Repeat)
By Mr Bell
On the 15th of February, NSC hosted it's annual Swimming Carnival. It was fantastic to see the effort, participation and team spirit displayed by our students.
The highlights of the day included seeing the Diving, Freestyle, Novelties and Waterslides. With students participating heavily in these events in particular.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our House Captains, and NSC staff for their support on the day!
Go Seahorses!
Mr Bell
On2Wheels request
By Mr Unmack
Dear extended NSC community,
I run the On2Wh subject at school.
In this program, all students work on their own personal bike project – a complete strip down and re-build of a geared bike.
So, I am asking for our community to look into the “darkest depths of their family sheds”, or “just out the back beside the water tank” and look out any unused, or ‘not likely to be used again’ bikes and donate them to the school. You don’t even need to dust them off! We’ll do that. Any condition, any brand. If you have extended family or friends that may have a bike or 2, mention this to them. If you see one sitting out for hard rubbish collection, maybe wheel it into your front yard and give the school a call!
Sometimes bikes that are ‘too good’ to pull apart find a home with the bikes we use for Bike tour, or with a student who might be in need of a bike.
Thanks in advance! – Can’t wait to see what comes out of the woodwork.
Kind Regards
Glenn Unmack – On2Wheels teacher
By Ms Davis
Where You Can Eat
Where You Can Eat provides an up-to-date guide on all the food relief agencies across the Geelong region.
Please click on the logo below to access a downloadable resource providing you with information on when, where, how, and what food relief services are available near you. This document is also attached as a PDF for your convenience.
Cultural Exchange Opportunity!
By Mrs. Stoneley
Dear families of our Years 8 – 11 Indonesian students,
We are extremely fortunate that our sister school, SMANSA from Lombok, are sending some of their students over on a cultural exchange in from April 26th through to May 2nd, 2024 (end of Week Two, Term Two to the end of Week Three).
Newcomb Secondary College has a proud history with our sister school and are pleased that we are able begin our cultural exchange trips again.
For this exchange, we are partnering up with Matthew Flinders and Surf Coast Secondary.
Newcomb Secondary College are seeking 5 families to host a student from SMANSA.
Due to cultural difference, we prefer to partner our host students with an NSC student of the same gender. Host families will receive an information pack on how to best cater for their host student. If we receive more than 5 interested families, further discussions will occur.
If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Mrs. Sarah Stoneley at
Terima kasih banyak, semua!
(Thank you very much, everyone!)
e-safety webinars
Senior Cricket News
By Bailey Schweinzer
On Friday the 23rd of February the Senior Boys' Cricket Team went out for the day and played against Grovedale College and Surf coast. We had a really great time with a fair few juniors stepping up and playing really well. We ended up coming away with 1 win and 1 loss. A few highlights from the day were Maddux Clarke retiring both games with 25 runs in each game, Hamish Andrews playing up as a year 9 and taking a wicket, Levi Falvey hitting a massive 6 and also Levi again as wicket keeper in the last game falling over and getting hit in the head which we all had a good laugh about. Overall, it was a sensational day, and all the boys had a terrific time, thanks to Mr Bell and Mr George for making the day possible and also thanks to Dakota Harrington for also coming along and helping score, once again it was a ripper of a day and I'm happy to be a part of it.
Bailey Schweinzer, Year 10
Homework Club
By Mr Curnick
The After School Homework Club is in Room B2 every day except Thursdays. Students are welcome to attend to catch up on classwork, complete homework, receive individual tutoring or to work with classmates on a group project. They may attend for 15 minutes to sort out just one problem or they may attend right up to 5pm to accomplish a greater amount of learning. Those who attend will be awarded a positive learning chronicle (with reward token) and will be offered food.
Mr Curnick
School Student Broadband Initiative
We know access to high-speed broadband is a necessity in the 21st Century. Yet sadly many families and school students are still unable to access the internet at home and that this can place students at a significant disadvantage.
The Albanese Government is providing up to 30,000 families with free broadband for one year, as part of their plan for a better National Broadband Network (NBN). Already, 1,000 families now have home internet thanks to the School Student Broadband Initiative.
This helps ensure that students can reach their full potential, by helping them to stay connected at home so they don’t fall behind.
To check your eligibility please refer to the contact details below: