From the Principal Team
By Mr McLeod
I can’t believe another Term has passed us by! Here we are at the end of Term 3 and we are about to embark on a well-earned holiday break. Now is a good time to map out what your school holidays will look like. I suggest planning for a mix of downtime, catching up on set tasks and planning for a positive end to the year. On Friday you will have access to the next round of the Positive Learning Qualities (PLQ’s) on Compass. This information will enable you to sit down with your student to identify any trends that could help to identify a goal or target for growth in Term 4.
ROUK day
This Thursday we will pause and check-in on those around us. For Thursday is RUOK day for 2023. We encourage you to reach out to those in your life that are important to you and enquire about their health and wellbeing. Be a listening ear and a caring family member, friend, or otherwise. It will be a great day!
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow……
It is not often that you turn your nose up at a spell of warm and sunny weather. Whilst I am not suggesting that is what our Ski Trip campers did over the weekend I anticipate that they would have hoped for slightly more inclement weather. It has been a tough season for those who cherish some winter fun up at the slopes- I hope (and trust) that our campers will have an absolutely fabulous time, nonetheless.
Early Dismissal- End of Term 3
Please be aware that students will be dismissed this Friday at 2.30pm.
Parent Opinion Survey
Can I thank those parents and carers who have completed our 2023 Parent Opinion Survey. We always welcome your feedback. Your feedback allows us to continue to improve our policies, process and programs to ensure that we continue to cater as best as we can for our community.
Return to School- Monday October 2
Have a safe & wonderful break and I hope your team wins!
Mr McLeod
By Ms Demopoulos
As we approach the end of Term 3, we are once again reflecting on all that we have achieved in what has and continues to be an incredibly busy and positive term. Maintenance of our Good Order focus, high attendance and communication in our community is essential to ensure success for all our students.
You may have noticed we have a whole school priority focusing on regular school attendance. Attending school regularly has a positive impact on student learning outcomes; for students to experience success at school, we need to be ensuring they are attending school every day, unless they are unwell. As a school, we monitor student attendance and follow up with families when students are absent.
The visual below helps us to understand how missing as little as one day a fortnight can impact on a student’s lifetime at school. approach a teacher and seek assistance if there are any issues that are affecting their attendance or lateness in the mornings. If you would like to speak to someone regarding your student’s attendance or lateness, we are here to help. Please contact the school office on 5248 1400.
Ms Demopoulos
Attendance Officer
Year 12 Graduation Tickets now on sale at the Office

Graduation tickets are on sale now for $80 each. They can be purchased through the College front office either in person or over the phone (52481400).
These need to be purchased before the end of Term 3 as we need to pass on final number or attendees on the venue.
Let Us Walk Together Camp -Koling wada-ngal karrung
By Ms Davis

Gnurad-Gundidj The School for Student Leadership
Talisha - During my time at Gnurad-Gundidj I learnt so many different things. Most of which were leadership skills. During classes we would learn about the 9 learning concepts that we had. They were Respectful Relationships, Empathy, Resilience, Collaboration, Learning strategies, Environments, Health and wellbeing, Emotional Management and Identity. While learning about them we also had lots of opportunities off campus. Some of them included surfing, stand up paddle boarding, Expos which were a big challenge both mentally and physically for most people and our treetops Adventure that we did as the last activity before we left to come home as well as so many other activities. My favourite activity would have been the treetops adventure because it got me out of my comfort zone and doing something I probably wouldn’t normally do. A highlight that I would have would be the friends I made. They made the experience so much better and we all got to learn about where they were from and the different lifestyles that everyone has. We also got to learn about everyone’s different cultures and where they were born. The friends I have made here I will have forever. The memories that were made with them while doing this will also stay forever.
Kady- My time at Gnurad-Gundidj The School for Student Leadership was the best experience I could have wished for. At the start I had my ups and downs and wanted to go home but now I'm super sad that it is over. I have grown in the 9 learning concepts that they had which were Learning Strategies, Emotional Management, Resilience, Identity, Empathy, Respectful Relationships, Collaboration, Health & Wellbeing and Environments but all together as a person. I had the best experience, I am sad it’s over but I’m forever grateful to have had the experience. My highlight of the term was meeting new people and bonding with them. It really taught me what true friendship is like Gnurad-Gundidj and everyone I met will be my favourite memories and will last a lifetime just like the friendships I made here will last a lifetime.
Liam - My time at Gnurad Gundidj was amazing. I got to take up many opportunities as in surfing and tree planting. I enjoyed all these activities as they were all outdoors and I was able to really get out and try new things.
R U OK? Day at N.S.C.
By Ms Wray
School Events Calendar
All students | End of Term 3 - finishing at 2.30 p.m. | 15 SEPT |
Years 9 - 10 | 9/10 Outdoor Ed. 2023 Bogong School Snow Camp | 11 - 15 SEPT |
All students | Staff Professional Practice Day | 5 OCT |
Years 7 -12 | Annual Music Concert - NSC Hall | 17 OCT |