From the Principal Team
We hope that this Newsletter finds you and your families well.
As you may or may not be aware, we have entered Week 5, the half-way point of Term 3! As such, it is a timely opportunity to reflect on the learning progress and growth made by each and every student at Newcomb Secondary College, and share in a conversation with your student about any short term goals that could assist in keeping the positive learning momentum going. Conversations could be simply around increased attendance, completion of classwork, building stronger relationships with staff and students, working on skills in resilience, communication, collaboration or other areas that feature as necessary skills in the new World of Work that awaits students in the 21st Century. These skills and attributes form the foundational elements of the Newcomb SC Positive Futures Framework- a framework that should always be front and centre of the aspirations and endeavors of all Newcomb SC learners.
Stay safe and enjoy the week!
Scott McLeod, Acting Principal
James Murphy, Assistant Principal
Jeremy Sinclair, Acting Assistant Principal
Feedback Week & School Wide Positive Behaviour
By Jeremy Sinclair & Ebony Dedini
Feedback Week
This week is feedback week, which means your young person’s teachers will be providing an update on their learning progress. This may be accessed on Compass or you may receive a phone call, email or other communication. Feedback is important because it provides an acknowledgement of learning which has occurred and therefore the next steps in learning for the student.
You can help further the impact of this feedback on your child’s learning by checking the feedback they have received to date and discussing with them the three key dimensions of it.
- “What went well?” – It is important to acknowledge the success and learning which was achieved.
- “Even better if…” – This may be the small changes which could have been made to the task on which feedback is being given to demonstrate greater mastery.
- “Next time…” – This is the description of next steps in the learning process.
If you can’t access your child’s feedback or have questions about it, please feel free to reach out to their teachers via Compass email.
School Wide Positive Behaviour
5. Complete all set tasks to the best of your ability.
“I ask questions when I don’t understand” and “I make the most of all learning opportunities”.
Learning at Newcomb Secondary College comes in many different forms. From different teachers approaches to topics, the varied range of subjects you study, to applying your knowledge in the form of hands on tasks or excursions; all of these opportunities are there for you to help you learn and grow as a whole person.
Using the time you spend with your teachers to help develop a deeper and more thorough understanding of the learning is essential in you becoming the best version of yourself while at Newcomb Secondary College.
If you are ever unsure, use questions to help you get back on track. It is a powerful tool and teachers will regularly use it for a range of purposes, so take the opportunity to ask and answer questions. Effective questioning yields immediate feedback on your understanding, it supports informal and formative assessment and helps capture feedback on the effectiveness of teaching strategies.
Questioning opens up opportunities for you to discuss, argue, and express opinions and alternative points of view. It will help engage you, stimulate your interest and curiosity in learning, and can create links to your lives that you may have otherwise not known or realised.
S.L.A.M Student Leadership Action Meeting
The SLAM (Student Leadership Action Meeting) team have been working tirelessly since Mrs. Wray started the group earlier in the year. Our group meet each fortnight to discuss ideas, issues and concerns that are of importance to their respective peer groups.
The SLAM team are currently working on planning for the 'R U OK? Day' celebrations in collaboration with the Peer Support Group. For these celebrations, students are encouraged to dress up in a touch of yellow, a costume or anything you feel comfortable in. The Peer Support Group will be running a bake sale and the SLAM team are running staff vs. student netball and basketball matches – so teachers & students, make sure to get stretching!
We have also been discussing the importance of building wellbeing and kindness around the school, uniform issues or improvements, and have started developing a student voice vision statement to be displayed on our school website.
Remember, if you have any ideas or concerns about the school, please share them with your Year Level representative or a SLAM team member. Alternatively, if you would like to be part of the SLAM team please contact Miss Crane.
Bus Conveyance
By Emma Boschetti
Nobody's Fool - Give Where you Live Performance
On Wednesday August 3rd, Give Where You Live Foundation hosted their first event in a series of ‘Conversations that Matter’, with the aim to encourage community conversation on critical issues and provide a platform for voices that need and deserve to be amplified.
Over 600 people attended to hear Grace Tame, 2021 Australian of the Year, speak about how she has become a leader of positive change through advocacy for other survivors of child sexual abuse.
Our Nobody’s Fool Theatre students performed a short excerpt of their work, including their song about consent, ‘No Means No’. The standing ovation they received spoke to the power and reception of their message. Conversations matter, listening matters, advocacy matters.
I think the work we do at Nobody’s Fool Theatre is a testament to this as a powerful step toward creating positive change.
In My Classes
9/10 Outdorr Ed
Mr Goward's 9/10 Outdoor Ed class had a great time rock climbing and playing indoor Hockey last week.
Year 8 Materials Technology
Getting off to a great start to Semester 2 in Year 8 Materials Technology.
Students completing their workshop safely while producing a chopping/serving board.
Visit to Leopold Primary School
Some past Leopold Primary School students returned to their old stomping ground on Tuesday to meet with the LPS principal Mr Bott.
The students are working with Mr Bott and LPS to design and construct a time capsule as a memento for the celebration of 150 years of Leopold Primary School.
Year 9/10 Digital Technology and Systems Technology
Year 9/10 Digital Technology and Systems Technology students enjoyed their excursion to Geelong Tech School.
They were involved in learning Adobe Illustrator. Students then furthered their skills by designing silhouettes and then having their silhouettes cut out of cardboard via the laser.
Year 73 Science Class
Mr Curnick’s recent 73 Science class created these amazing tie dyed t-shirts.
After learning about the principles of chromatography on separating mixtures, we applied them to
We used methylated spirits and permanent markers to create some memorable take home masterpieces. Such fun!
Passport to Employment (P2E)
Week 1 of Passport to Employment (P2E) has started with a blast
The initiative was facilitated by GRLLEN’s Jan Dillon and Leesa Hanlon. The program has 8 Geelong secondary schools including 24 Year 10, 11 and 12 students participating!
Students enjoyed hot chocolates on arrival, fun get to know you activities, creating a resume and a tour of The Gordon East Campus trade facilities!
The aim of the Passport 2 Employment program gives secondary students increased opportunities to build skills, knowledge and capacity to assist them in finding and retaining employment in the workforce and further education
Participants will graduate with positive aspirations and attitudes to life after school. Keep an eye on our socials for weekly updates on P2E
Cafe Skills
Cafe skills students made some delicious brioche breakfast rolls.
Year 9/10 & 11/12 Studio Arts Excursion to the Picasso Exhibit at NGV
Last Monday we went to the Picasso exhibit in Melbourne. It was great seeing some amazing talent, Picasso’s art work
The Art work had beautiful colors textures and shapes, it inspired us to come back and make some great pieces of work.
It was great to be out in the beautiful Melbourne air with some delicious food and some amazing tote bags. Feels great to have experienced that with some great people!
Thanks to Mrs Honeywell, Ms McInnes and Ms Mahr.
- Article by Year 10 Ceramics Students.
NSC Pathways for 2023
Year 8 - Virtual Learning Area Expo 16th August
Course Selection in GROW Class 23rd August
Year 9 - Virtual Learning Area Expo 9th August (in GROW class)
Year 9 into 10 Course Counselling - 18th-19th August
Year 10 into 11 Course Counselling - 11th-12th August
Year 11 - Year 11 into 12 Course Counselling - 26th August (during regular class time)
If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact Mr. Horsted through Compass or by phone.
Music News
By Cheryl Stabryla
Music Department Information.
Term 3 is very busy for the Music Department.
This Week – Year 7 & 8 Junior Music Camp at Airey’s Inlet.
Week 7 – Senior Concert Band Tour to Phillip Island for five days. Staying in Grantville and performing in San Remo, Newhaven, Leongatha and Wonthaggi. Visiting Phillip Island. Final payments are due early in the term.
Week 10 – A group of Senior Concert Band members will be travelling to Melbourne to see the show, Hairspray the Musical, at the Regent Theatre on Wednesday September 14th.
Junior Music Camp
Here are some photo's of the Junior Music Camp happening this week at Angahook Holiday Camp at Airey's Inlet.
Student Programs
By Sebastian Relouw
In more recent development in the lunchtime activities space, we are pleased to announce the exciting upcoming 'House Quizathon'. This is being organised by none other than Ms McArthur, while being supported by numerous staff members.
This will be taking place in the library across numerous weeks, eventually winding down to a champion house.
The dates for this are as follows:
Curlewis - Tuesday 9th August
Drysdale - Thursday 11th August
Harrison - Tuesday 16th August
Wills - Thursday 18th August
Final will be Friday September 2nd.
Please note, we are still running all other lunchtime activities.
This term we have some lunch time clubs/activities going ahead.
- Monday & Friday - Dance Club in the Flag Quadrangle (Auditorium on wet days)
- Tuesday - Chocolates & Chess in the Library
- Wednesday - Movies/TV shows in the Auditorium
- Wednesday - Environmental Group with Ms Roberts
- Wednesday (Fortnightly) - Mystery & Crime Book Club in the library with Laura from the Newcomb Library
- Thursday - Art Activities with Mrs Honeywell
- Friday - Wood/Tech with Mr Monahan
COVID Update
The Victorian Department of Health strongly recommends that face masks are worn in indoor settings.
As a result, we are asking all students aged 8 and over and all staff in all schools across Victoria to wear masks when in class (except where removing a mask is necessary for clear communication) from now to the end of winter.
Students will not be required or expected to wear masks when outdoors, and this expectation will not stop student participation in the full range of school activities, including music, sport and performances.
We are asking for your support in explaining to your child or children the importance of this simple step that will help keep our schools as safe as possible.
We also ask that you make sure your child (or children) takes a mask to school (and wears it if they are travelling on public transport) or collects a mask when they arrive at school.
We all appreciate how important it is for students to be back at school. This action will help make sure as many students and staff as possible are protected from COVID and other winter illness.
Thank for your help with this collective effort to keep our communities safe and healthy.
Wearing masks is a simple step we can all take this winter to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases and ensure our schools are as safe as possible.
The period of time when someone is considered a recently confirmed case and therefore exempt from testing and isolation requirements has been reduced from the previous 12 weeks to 4 weeks.
This means that staff and children who are household contacts of people with COVID-19 are now required to undertake the testing and isolation requirements from 4 weeks after completing isolation with COVID-19. Previously, this exemption period was 12 weeks.
After the 4-week exemption period, students and staff members who are a household contact of a new COVID-19 case, must follow the rules for household contacts, including reporting this to their school.
As part of this they must take 5 rapid antigen tests (RATs) over 7 days and receive negative test results and wear a face mask (if over 8 years old) in indoor spaces.
Families and staff will also have to report being a household contact to their school after this 4-week period.

New household contact information:
- You are a household contact if you have spent more than four hours with someone who has COVID-19 inside a house, accommodation or care facility.
- Your household contact period is 7 days.
- You don’t have to quarantine during this 7-day period if you:
- test negative using a rapid antigen test on 5 days of the 7-day period (with tests spaced at least 24 hours apart)
- wear a mask indoors when outside your home
- do not visit hospitals or care facilities
- notify your employer or education facility
- If you do not follow these steps, you must quarantine for the 7-day period – and you are required to get tested on Day 1 and Day 6.
- If you test positive on a rapid antigen test, you must report your result and isolate for 7 days. Visit Reporting your result page for more information.
- Household contacts are also referred to as close contacts.
Rapid Antigen Testing
Testing change:
- from Monday 23 May 2022, it is recommended RATs are used by students and staff when symptomatic.
- It will no longer be recommended that non-symptomatic students or staff conduct RATs twice a week.
- RATs are also required to be used for 5 days if a student or staff member is a close contact of a confirmed case and they are attending or working at a school.
- If your child is not experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, they can continue to attend school, but you should monitor for symptoms.
- Students who show symptoms of COVID-19 cannot attend school and should get tested immediately and isolate until they receive a negative result.
- Students who have recovered from COVID-19 do not need to participate in surveillance testing for 60 days after their isolation period has ended.
- For information on symptoms visit:
- For more information on how to get tested visit:
If your child returns a positive result, your child has COVID-19. You must:
- quarantine your child for seven days
- advise the school about the positive result
- Your child must stay home until their symptoms have resolved and they are well
Reporting your child’s positive test
If your child was at school when they were infectious you need to report the positive case through the Student COVID-19 Test Portal or you can notify the school in writing or by phone.
You must also report your child’s positive test to the Department of Health via the COVID-19 Positive Rapid Antigen Test Self-Reporting Form or call centre on 1800 675 398.
Further information for languages other than English
If you or someone you know needs assistance with translating this information, please contact the school office for details of interpreter options.
Financial support available to people affected by COVID-19:
For more information, visit:
Financial and other support for COVID-19 | Coronavirus Victoria
General advice and support
For general advice and support please call the Department of Education and Training COVID-19 hotline on 1800 338 663.
You can also contact the school:
Phone: 5248 1400
Advice and further resources about what to do if you test positive to COVID-19, or you have been told you are a contact, are at: Your COVID Checklist | Coronavirus Victoria, or call the 24/7 Coronavirus hotline on: 1800 675 398
Community Events
GEELONG REGION Programs provided by City of Greater Geelong, Regional Parenting Service
Reducing Anxiety & Building Resilience in Children
Dates: Monday 25 July – 22 August
Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm
‘Ariston ’ 245-249 Pakington Street, Newtown
A 5 week program for parents of children 5 – 12 years to gain an understanding of the increasing levels of anxiety in their child and strategies to help manage the “traps and tripwires” with strengthening sayings, questioning strategies and mindful exercises.
Dates: Tuesday 2 August – 6 September
Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm (Online via Zoom)
Tuning in to Kids is a 6-week supportive program for parents of children aged 4 to 10 yrs.
The program aims to:
- Help parents teach and support their child/ren to understand and manage their emotions;
- Support parents in encouraging children to express emotions appropriately;
- Maximise children’s social, behavioural and learning outcomes.
Dates: Monday 1 August – 5 September
Time: 7.30pm - 9.00pm (Online via Zoom)
This 6-week program will focus on giving you the tools you need to create a better life for your entire family.
We will look at simple things you can do to improve:
- Your relationship with yourself;
- Your relationship with your partner;
- Your relationship with your kids.
Dates: Tuesday 26 July – 13 September
Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm
‘Ariston’ 245-249 Pakington Street, Newtown
Circle of Security is an 8-week program for parents of children aged up to 8 years wanting to learn about the experiences of their child and how the parent and child relationship can be strengthened.
Dates: Wednesday 13 July – 17 August
Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm (Online via Zoom)
Tuning into Teens is a 6-week supportive program for parents of teens aged 12 to 18 years.
The program aims to:
- Support parents to connect and communicate with their teens;
- Assist parents with understanding adolescent development;
- Help parents to assist their teen to develop emotional intelligence;
- Remain empathetic and stay connected.
Dates: Thursday 21 July – 25 August
Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm
‘Ariston’ 245-249 Pakington Street, Newtown
Bringing up Great Kids is a 6-week supportive program for parents of children aged 12 months to 9 yrs.
The program aims to:
- Develop parents’ skills to enhance communication with their children;
- Promote positive interactions between parents and their child/ren;
- Encourage the development of a child’s positive self-identity.
Available online via the Triple P website
The First 1000 Days
Expressions of Interest are being taken for this program
The first 1,000 days of life is a program for parents with children aged under 2 years and designed to nurture parents as they embark on their journey. It provides parents with a knowledge about brain development and an understanding of how children grow and what they need. The centrality of family relationships and opportunities for parents to reflect on their own childhood and how to connect with their children are all explored.
Expressions of Interest are being taken for this program
Stepping Stones is a 5-week program for families with a child who has a disability. The program aims to help parents use Positive Parenting to acquire new skills and knowledge. Skills are practiced and parents receive constructive feedback about their use of skills.
Expressions of Interest are being taken for this program
Positive Parenting Program is a 4-week program for parents of children aged 2 – 8 years.
There is no right way to be a parent, but the PPP program offers:
- Information and support;
- Practical answers to everyday parenting concerns;
- Group will run for 4 weeks, followed up by 2 weekly telephone sessions.
Expressions of Interest are being taken for this program
A 5-week program for parents with children of all ages to discover how you can help your family to flourish.
Learn about:
- How you can promote resilience;
- Increase awareness of your family’s strengths;
- Create and nurture positive family relationships;
- Give feedback to support individual growth.
Programs provided by Family Relationship Centre
Contact the Parenting Orders Program at the Family Relationship Centre - Ph: 5246 5600
Our Kids – Parenting After Separation
Tuesday 26 July – 30 August, 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Thursday 28 July – 1 September, 10.00am – 12.00pm
Our Kids is a 6-week course on parenting after separation and the impact of parental conflict on children. The course encourages parents to focus on the needs of their children and develop helpful communication strategies following separation. Courses run weekly for six weeks during school terms. Morning and evening sessions available. Cost: $80 - $150
Programs provided by Barwon Child Youth & Family (BCYF)
Contact BCYF regarding program delivery
Ph: 5226 8900 or
Dates: Thursday 28 July – 1 September
Time: 12.30pm – 2.30pm
Kurrambee Myaring Community Centre
12 Merrijig Drive, Torquay
Tuning in to Kids is a 6-week supportive program for parents of children aged 3 years – 12 years. The program aims to:
- Encourage parents to effectively tune in to their children’s emotions;
- Supports parents to teach their children how to understand and regulate their emotions;
- Helps parents respond to and foster their child’s individual needs.
Dates: Tuesday 26 July – 30 August
Time: 12.30pm – 2.30pm
Northern Bay Family Learning Centre, Goldsworthy Rd, Corio
Circle of Security is an 8-week supportive program for parents of children aged birth – 5 years.
The program aims to:
- Help parents understand how to build feelings of security for children in their early years;
- Assist parents with skills to build on the positive relationship with their child;
- Develop confidence in parents to respond to their child in a way which builds a secure foundation for children.
Dates: Wednesday 13 July – 14 September
Time: 1.30pm – 3.00pm
Northern Bay Family Learning Centre, Goldsworthy Rd, Corio
Bumps to Bubs is a 10-week program and brings young mothers and mothers-to-be (up to 23 years) with babies 0-1 year, together to support the journey of parenting.
Dates: Thursday 14 July – 15 September
Time: 9.30am – 11.00am
Northern Bay Family Learning Centre, Goldsworthy Rd, Corio
The Bubs to Tots Group Program brings mothers (up to 24 years) and toddlers together to support parents with knowledge and skills to enhance children’s development in the 1–2-year age group.
Dates: Wednesday 27 July – 31 August
Time: 10.00am – 12.00pm (Online via Zoom)
Tuning in to Teens is a 6-week supportive program for parents of adolescents aged 10 years to 18 years.
The program aims to:
- Support parents to connect and communicate with their teen;
- Assist parents with understanding adolescent development;
- Help parents to assist their teen to manage emotions and develop emotional intelligence.
Date: Tuesday 26 July – 30 August
Time: 9.30am – 11.30am
Korayn Birralee Family Centre
146 Purnell Rd, Corio
Bringing Up Great Kids is a 6-week supportive program for parents of children aged 12 months – 12 years.
The program aims to:
- Support parents with the skills to enhance their communication with their children;
- Promote positive interactions between parent and child;
- Encourage the development of children’s positive self-identity.
Date: Tuesday 26 July – 30 August
Time: 10.00am – 12.00pm (Online via Zoom)
Dads Tuning in to Kids is a 6-week supportive program specifically for Dads of children aged 3 years – 12 years.
The program aims to:
- Help dads to effectively tune in to their child’s emotions;
- Encourage dads to strengthen their emotional connection with their child;
- Support dads to build skills in emotion coaching to assist their child’s individual needs.
Programs provided by
Drummond St Services
For information on Drummond St seminars and groups
Drummond Street Services provide services for People, Families & Community.
For further information about our programs please follow this link:
or call 03 9663 6733.
Programs provided by
CatholicCare Victoria in partnership with Warrnambool City Council & Moyne Shire
Registrations are compulsory to attend
Ph: 5337 8943
Livng with Teens
Dates: Tuesday 9 August – 23 August
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm (Online via Zoom)
A model for building strong, secure connections. Living with Teens is a 3-week program.
The program covers:
- What parents need to be able to meet teen’s needs;
- What teens need from parents;
- Adolescent development.
Group 1 (6 weeks – abbreviated program)
Warrnambool City Council
Dates: Wednesday 10 August – 14 September
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Group 2 (8 weeks)
Moyne Shire
Dates: Thursday 11 August – 13 October
(Break for 2 weeks on 8 & 15 September)
Time: 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Circle of Security is an 8-week relationship-based parenting program.
The program aims to:
- Understand your child’s emotional world by learning to read emotional needs;
- Honour the innate wisdom and desire for your child to be secure;
- Support your child’s ability to successfully manage emotions;
- Enhance the development of your child's self-esteem.